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Recovering Addict of 20 years, learned to knit about 3 years ago and spin a few months ago. Evidently I am a pretty good spinner so I am told.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Oh those dern UFO's

So rather than starting new stuff I have been working on UFO's.  Below is pictures of a shawl I pulled out from over 2 years ago.  It is the second project I ever started.  See the holes.  This is from poor knitting and leaving it lying around.  Still it is pretty and gives it personality.  I a thinking about putting some pendants on the holes.  It is my peacock shawl.  The Peacock is my oldest totem.  I need to get a Peacock Pendant or have one made for a shawl clasp.  Yes I hand strung those damn beads and yes it took forever.


  1. Gods, I love that thing. Have I really known you for two years already?

  2. Awesome SD. I love the beads. I'm going to give this a try soon too, right after I get some spinning done...lol!
